Sunday 27 March 2011

Spring - almost

So Winter is supposed to be over but there have  still been quite a few days of snow and there are currently big beautiful flakes floating around outside.
The best thing about the weather at the moment is that it's still snowing but has warmed up substantially.  Has been as warm as 4 degrees Celsius and not really much colder than minus 5, so most of the snow melts before it can form a decent layer. ( It's freaking cooking! )
 So we are still enjoying snow but without any snow shoveling or frost bite (+ and +).

Have had the most amazing weekend just relaxing and getting admin done.  It's amazing how a simple thing like buying a new vacuum cleaner can bring so much joy.  The clever marketers managed to sell us a vacuum cleaner just by putting four words on the box, "goof for pet hair".  For some reason bagel has shed an insane amount of hair while being here.  Adele is not entirely thrilled about this and I think she has a point considering she had to clean dog hair out of the microwave!
I won't tell Bagel but I think there have been a few moments when it's been a bit touch and go for him.

Anyhow, we've just booking our tickets for our 3 week trip to New Zealand and I'm starting to get very excited!.
We're also thinking about maybe going to the Amazon in December and/or going to see the Northern lights and polar bears.  There are just too many places to travel and not enough time.
Now I'm no doomsayer and I don't believe that the world is going to end next year but don't you think it's be a great idea to live like it was ending.  I'm not saying that you should finally get out that list you've had adding to for years and systematically knocking off all the people that have pissed you off, or getting into any high risk/body endangering scenarios.  Rather spend the next year learning or doing something that you've always meant to do but never had time to.  I know I'm trying to.

Bagel is trying something new tomorrow.  We have decided that it'd be too hard train a puppy now and that we aren't ready for a second dog so we're taking bagel to "paws on the run".  It's one of the many dog daycares in Lethbridge.  So tomorrow Bagel will have the pleasure of partying with up to thirty other dogs.  I'd say he's excited but I don't speak dog so I really wouldn't be saying so honestly.
I love my dog but a few things have become apparent in the last 2 weeks.
1.  If there was a bear trying to eat me Bagel would most probably be fleeing or kindly holding down one of my arms.  I went for a walk the other day and Bagel starting barking and ran away from 2 little girls.  I'm not exaggerating when I say that he ran about a kilometer down the road and had to be seriously coaxed into coming back to me.  Silly little dog.  Honestly, 2 little girls - what a little pansy!
2.  Bagel is trying to escape.  We went to one of the local dog walks and when it was time to leave he got into the car with one of the other dogs.  Then he made himself small, sat there sheepishly and pretended he was invisible.  That and the plans he keeps in his bed and his constant attempts to get onto facebook.  All very suspicious Bagel, I'm watching you.
3.  I will never fall asleep alone with Bagel.  Bagel has this habit of licking Adele and I incessantly.  Sometimes he gets a thought in his head and he pauses in thought, tongue half out, on an arm and I swear to you he's thinking, "this'd taste better with Ketchup".
Seriously though - Bagel has been loving Canada.  We try to walk him about 3-5 times a week and he loves playing and running with other dogs.  He loves snow and Tim Hortons.  And he's doing ok on the training front.
We'll see how he does at doggy daycare and if he likes it then we'll make a permanent fixture.  Later in the year lessons start on a Monday night at daycare so I'll probably join him at the end of the day and start some group training
This Thursday he's going to have his first private training session.  Have hired a private trainer to come and see if we can teach him to play the Oboe and wash dishes (heres hoping).  Will also do a few lessons if it goes well.

Not much other news other than the fact that Adele and I are starting Kayaking lessons.  First lesson will be in the pool on the 16th of April.
My big dream is to buy kayaks and spend spring and summer on the great lakes and rivers of Canada.  I really want to see a moose, a bear and a lynx (in that order).  Thinking about teaching the bagel how to sit in a kayak and taking him with.  Will need him to save us from that bear . . . .

So has been another great week.  Starting to feel healthy again and will start gym again tomorrow morning.  We love and miss you all.  Chat soon

Ryan and Adele


  1. Bagels all around! Hope school goes well. :)

  2. Chicago in Summer sounds good. When do you move to New York again?

  3. sounds like so much fun! am jealous :) Our kids also doing the training school thing, but not very successful - Maggie slightly more gifted than Toby.

  4. That Bagel sounds like he's got personality! So funny. I'm thinking of taking Kumeu (our dog) to doggie day care (at Paws on the Run) next week (Tues or Wed). Perhaps they can meet and exhaust each other!
    We're SO JEALOUS of all your travel plans! If you have room in your suitcase for a big dude and a pregnant woman, we'd love to tag along:)

  5. Jenni - how's it going? you guys coming over soon?

    Julie - Bagel has tons of personality. Awesome dog! Must meet up at dog walk or something! Love the South and the North walk. We usually do Monday but mayhaps Bagel will see Kumeu there. Bagel was knackered after daycare. Shame man - off to vancouver tom and he's sulking.

    You guys are welcome to squeeze into our suitcase. Lots of space! We'll take Adeles clothes out - I'm sure she won't notice :) Travel is definitely our vice. Would be a lot richer if we didn't travel but then we'd be missing all the good stuff. Can't wait for new zealand! Sounds like you guys had so much fun.
    Chat soon
